The Implementation of the Public Relations Role at PT Carano Integrasi Teknologi

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Nasywa Salsabila Kamal
Kristin Okvita
Najwa Nabilah
Muhammad Naufal Erian


Public Relations is an activity that is responsible for building and maintaining positive relationships between organizations and the public. PR also plays an important role in improving the positive image of the company and establishing good relations with the public and society. This article analyses how public relations strategies and practices are applied in improving corporate image in private companies. PT Carano Integrasi Teknologi, which was established in 2018, is engaged in IT. Using qualitative research methods with structured interviews, this study finds out how the role of public relations in processing internal and external communications to maintain the company's image that has been built for a long time, building good relationships with stakeholders and also with business partners. The results of this study show that the company can maintain its cooperation with SMKs and universities that have TKJ (Computer Network Technology) majors.

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How to Cite
The Implementation of the Public Relations Role at PT Carano Integrasi Teknologi. (2024). COMMUNICASE: International Journal of Communication Research, 1(1), 31-37.

How to Cite

The Implementation of the Public Relations Role at PT Carano Integrasi Teknologi. (2024). COMMUNICASE: International Journal of Communication Research, 1(1), 31-37.


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