The Role of Public Relations in the Organization of Radio Republik Indonesia Padang

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Laila Khairun Nisa
Fikri Yusuf Muin
Fahri Ramlan Imanda


This research examines the role of public relations in the RRI Padang organization as a public broadcasting institution. Using a qualitative approach with in-depth interview methods and documentation studies, this research found that RRI Padang’s public relations has the main function as a communication facilitator between the organization and the internal and external public, as well as providing information services to the community. Even though it does not have a specific division, public relations tasks are integrated into several sections under Business Development Services. RRI Padang public relations is required to follow technological developments and utilize new media, as well as build good relationships with mass media and other institutions. RRI Padang public relations practitioners face challenges in terms of coordination, achieving financial targets, and providing good information services. To optimize their role, they must have adequate skills and knowledge in the fields of communications management, strategic planning and communications research.

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How to Cite
The Role of Public Relations in the Organization of Radio Republik Indonesia Padang. (2024). COMMUNICASE: International Journal of Communication Research, 1(1), 1-8.

How to Cite

The Role of Public Relations in the Organization of Radio Republik Indonesia Padang. (2024). COMMUNICASE: International Journal of Communication Research, 1(1), 1-8.


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